Web Review
Key Concepts
- translates domain names into IP addresses
- a domain name is separated by dots
- TLDs
- subdomains
well-known ports: FTP (21), SSH (22), SMTP (25), HTTP (80), HTTPS (443)
- markup for web pages
- links and image tags are important because they contain references to other objects
- the browser interprets the HTML as a Document Object Model (DOM)
- can manipulate the document object model (DOM)
- can be embedded or given in a URL
- page loading — see list on page 248
- pay attention to ways that JavaScript can run on a page
- in script tags with or without URLs
- in URLs for links
- JavaScript can set itself to run when the document is loaded or when an object is clicked
- HTTP consists of request messages and responses messages
- see Figure 9.2, page 249
- open a web browser and user browser network tools to see live requests
Web forms
- sent in FORM elements
- may generate a new HTTP request
- typically a POST request with data in the body
- may be handled by JavaScript
HTTP Proxies
- originally used as a gateway to the web, to simplify clients
- now also used for caching
- may be invisible (e.g. not requested by the client) for HTTP resources
- HTTP CONNECT method may be used to tunnel through a proxy / firewall
Browser redirection
- both HTTP and HTML allow a browser to be directed automatically to a new resource
- see list of redirect mechanisms, page 251
- walk through all the steps that occur when a browser visits a URL