Public Key Encryption
Ungraded Quiz
Can you draw a diagram for hybrid encryption?
Can you show cryptographic notation for the diagram?
Key Concepts
Public Key Cryptography
- Each party creates a separate key pair, (public key, private key).
- If Alice knows Bob’s public key, she can encrypt a message using his public
key (eB) and only Bob can decrypt the message using his private key
- c = EeB(m)
- m = DdB(c)
- Bob must keep his private key secret, otherwise anybody could decrypt his messages.
- Standard public key cryptography algorithm is called RSA — provides computational security
- Typically use padding with RSA to turn a deterministic encryption into one that incorporates some randomness. A common standard is PKCS#1 v2.
Hybrid Encryption
- Usually, we use public key cryptography to bootstrap a shared, symmetric key.
- This is because encrypting and decrypting with a symmetric key is much fater than encrypting and decrypting with public key cryptography.
- Alice can choose a symmetric key, then encrypt it with Bob’s public key and send it to him. Now they both have a symmetric key they can use to encrypt and decrypt messages to each other.
- See Figure 2.8, page 38
- Alice and Bob can choose a new symmetric key each time they communicate, so we call this a session key.
Digital Signatures
Alice can sign (encrypt) a message with her private key (sA). Bob can verify (decrypt) the message with Alice’s public key (vA).
- Here we use (v, s) to represent the (public key, private key).
- Be sure to use separate keys for encryption/decryption and signing/verifying. signing/verifying.
Digital signatures provide:
- data origin authentication — we can verify who signed the message
- data integrity — we can verify whether the message is the same as what was signed
- non repudiation — the signer can’t claim they didn’t sign the message (unless someone stole their private key)
Use of public key cryptography by the general public is hard because it requires you to keep your private key safe and to have a reliable way to distribute your public key to others. These are key management issues.
- Draw a diagram that illustrates how to use hybrid encryption and digital signatures to send a signed message from Alice to Bob. - Should you sign-and-encrypt or encrypt-and-sign? - See Defective Sign & Encrypt in S/MIME, PKCS#7, MOSS, PEM, PGP, and XML