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CS 465 Introduction to Security and Privacy


Office Hours

Daniel ZappalaInstructorTMCB 2224Make an appointment
Jason BrownTATBD — currently 3325 TMCBMWF 12-2, 3-4
Brennan DuncanTATBD — currently 3325 TMCBTTh 2-4:30


Photo of Daniel Zappala
Daniel Zappala

Hello! CS 465 continues to evolve — we’re adding Rust this year. My research area is usable security and privacy, which focuses on people and designing technology that fits their needs. My hobbies include reading, hiking, genealogy, and landscape photography. You can learn more about me at


Photo of Jason Brown
Jason Brown

Hello! I am a CS student finishing up my bachelor’s degree and am planning on going into cybersecurity after I graduate. My hobbies include tennis, video games and game design. I am excited to work with yall going forward.

Photo of Brennan Duncan
Brennan Duncan

Hello, I am a Computer Science major in my junior year, with a focus on computer security. I’m currently part of a team researching a backup method for hardware security keys. I have an interest in cybersecurity, privacy, and cryptography. My hobbies include hiking, reading, and linux distro hopping. I’m excited to be a TA for this class!