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CS 465 Introduction to Security and Privacy

Project: Encrypted Communication


In this project, you will gain experience using cryptographic primitives to implement encrypted communication between a client and a server.

We are providing you with a server and your job will be to write a client to communicate with it.

Project Setup

Download the handout for this assignment and put it in a folder. The handout includes a Dev Container, so When you open this folder in Visual Studio Code, it should ask you to reopen it in a container.

Using a Linux container will enable you to run the binary for the server, which has been compiled for Linux.

Client-Server Protocol

The client and server communicate using the following protocol:

encryption project
  • The client sends the server a Hello Message containing a nonce
  • The server responds with a Hello Message that includes its RSA public key (in PEM format), the nonce, and a signed version of the nonce
  • The client verifies the signature and, if it is valid, accepts the server’s public key
  • For every message the client sends to the server it:
    • Creates a new symmetric key K and a nonce
    • Encrypts the key K with the server’s public key
    • Encrypts the message with K
    • Sends the server an Encrypted Message message that includes the encrypted key, the nonce, and the encrypted message
  • The server responds to an Encrypted Message with a Server Response that includes:
    • a new nonce
    • the message, encrypted with the same key but the new nonce
  • The client decrypts and prints each Encrypted Message the server sends it

Implementing the Client

You should write your code in the provided src/

use std::net::TcpStream;
mod messages;
use messages::{EncryptedMessage, HelloMessage, ServerResponse};
fn main() {
let mut stream = match TcpStream::connect("") {
Ok(stream) => stream,
Err(_e) => {
println!("Could not connect to server. Check that it is running");
return ();
println!("Connected to server");

This code connects to the server and then exits. You should add code so that the client:

  • sends a Hello Message
  • parses the server response
  • loops
    • reads some text from the terminal
    • if the text is “exit”, break from the loop
    • otherwise, send an Encrypted Message
    • parse the Server Response

A sample session should look like this:

Terminal window
# note, quit the server with control-c
Terminal window
cargo run client
Connected to server
Hello exchanged
Enter message: this is a test message
Received: this is a test message
Enter message: lovely to see this working
Received: lovely to see this working
Enter message: exit

Note, you will need to open two terminals for this project. If the server doesn’t have the proper execution permissions, you can add them:

Terminal window
chmod u+x ./binaries/server


We have provided a src/ module that provides structs for the different message types as well as methods that convert these structs to/from JSON. You should be able to use this module without making any changes to it.

For example, here is a Hello Message:

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct HelloMessage {
pub signed_message: Vec<u8>,
pub pub_key: String,
pub nonce: [u8; 32],
impl HelloMessage {
pub fn to_json(&self) -> Result<String, serde_json::Error> {
pub fn from_json(message: String) -> Result<HelloMessage, serde_json::Error> {

You can create an initial Hello Message with:

// assume you have created the nonce
let hello = HelloMessage {
signed_message: vec![],
pub_key: "".to_string(),

and convert it to json:

let json = hello.to_json()?;

Likewise when you receive a message as bytes, you can convert it into a JSON string and then convert that JSON string into a message, e.g. using HelloMessage::from_json().

TCP Stream

The client and server use a TCP socket to send messages. Using the stream TCPStream object in the provided code, you can use the following methods.

To write to the TCP stream:

// json should be the result of one of the to_json() methods above

To read from the TCP stream:

// we assume that all messages are shorter than 4096 bytes and
// will be read in one call to read()
let mut buffer = [0; 4096];
let bytes_read = buffer)?;
// an example of how to convert the buffer to a JSON string
// you can do something similar for other message types
let server_hello_json = str::from_utf8(&buffer[..bytes_read]).expect("Server hello not in UTF8");

See the following for additional documentation:

Rust Crypto

For the Rust crypto, use:

  • Rsa — the client will need to convert the public key from the PEM format it receives, derive the verifying key from the public key, verify the PKCS#1 v1.5 signature on the nonce, and encrypt the symmetric key with Pkcs1v15Encrypt padding
  • PKCS #1 v1.5 Signature - the client will need to convert a signature in bytes to a Signature struct, see the try_from() method
  • AES GCM — the client will need to generate a symmetric key, generate a nonce, and encrypt plaintext

You can see the Rust Cryptography examples we covered in class as examples of how to use these libraries.

Rust Tips

(1) This code uses a nonce that is 32 bytes long. You can generate this with:

let mut nonce = [0u8; 32];
thread_rng().fill_bytes(&mut nonce);

(2) To create a verifying key, you can use:


(3) To import a nonce from the server, you can use:

let nonce = Nonce::from_slice(&nonce_vec[..]);

Grading Rubric

  • Total (50 points)
    • 10 points for sending the server a valid Hello Message
    • 10 points for sending the server a valid Encrypted Message
    • 10 points for sending the server a symmetric encryption key that is encrypted with its public key.
    • 10 points for sending the server a message that is correctly encrypted with the symmetric key and nonce
    • 10 points for using a new encryption key and nonce with every Encrypted Message


Use the tar command and your BYU netID to compress your files:

Terminal window
tar --exclude=target --exclude=.git -czvf byuNetID.tar directory

Submit your tar file on Learning Suite.